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SAFETY aims at providing Civil Protection Authorities (CPA) with the capability of periodically evaluating and assessing the potential impact of geohazards (volcanic activity, earthquakes, landslides and subsidence) on urban areas. SAFETY will enhance ground deformation risk prevention and mitigation efforts in highly vulnerable geographic and geologic regions. The project improves the effort in detecting and mapping geohazards, assessing their activity and evaluating their impact on built-up areas and infrastructures’ networks. This objective will be based on three key pillars: (I) the performances of the new spaceborne SAR sensor Sentinel-1, both in terms of wide area coverage and high temporal repeatability; (2) the development of a free software tool that fully exploits Sentinel-1 SAR data to periodically detect and monitor ground deformations at regional scale; and (3) the exploitation of the software tools and methods developed in the FP7 LAMPRE project to assess geohazard susceptibility and its impact on urban structures and infrastructures. SAFETY will test products and services in study areas in EU countries with heterogeneous environmental settings to facilitate take-up by users and trans-boundary cooperation, crucial to georisk reduction strategies. SAFETY activities will cover different needs due to the involvement of CPAs at national, regional and local level, which is a strong point of the project that has the challenge to improve the effort in the development of prevention products and services, strengthening the capacity for prevention and alerting. A procedure based on SAFETY products and a sustainable long term infrastructure will be developed defining roles for all actors, including CPAs and public organisations (POs) at different administrative levels, research institutes and private sectors.  SAFETY products will also be relevant for EU strategies, particularly the Copernicus Emergency Management Service and Europe 2020.




Acronym SAFETY
Title Sentinel-1 for geohazard prevention and forecasting
Call ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/Prev02-SAFETY
Area of activity Prevention
Duration 24 Months
Start date 01/01/2016
Estimated project cost 858,187.00€
Requested EU contribution 643,640.00€
Project Coordinator Oriol Monserrat – Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) 
Project officer Joanna Olechnowicz



Project Safety has been funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), through the project Safety (Ref. ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/Prev02).

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